Resources for Readers

As a writer, I’m also a huge reader. Over the last 10 years, I’ve transitioned from someone who reads all my books in paper form to someone who uses multiple formats to get all my reading done. I l…

Source: Resources for Readers

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I’m always on the look-out for great sites and places to find books!

Book Swag

Looking for a new book but can’t seem to find anything wortwhile? Why not sign up for this incredible new site called Book Swag which will send the best priced e-books directly to your email!…

Source: Book Swag

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If there’s one thing I love more than writing resources, it’s on-a-budget book resources! This should not come as a great shock. It’s super easy, too; just submit your email and Book Swag will send you a list of e-books at lower prices every week! If you’re an author, you can even submit your own book to the site to be shared among readers.

Writer Resources: Deep Magic Magazine

Hello everyone! In today’s Writer Resources post, I wanted to introduce science fiction and fantasy authors to Deep Magic, an e-zine specializing in clean sci-fi and fantasy.

Source: Writer Resources: Deep Magic Magazine

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For sci-fi and fantasy readers/writers like me, I am always on the look-out for resources catered specifically to those two genres. If you are, too, then maybe check out “Deep Magic”!