[Book Tag Tuesdays] The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag

Although the seven deadly sins weren’t part of my religious upbringing, they were certainly everywhere in the media I consumed, from anime to books!

I couldn’t find the original poster of this tag, so if you know who they are, please let me know!

GREED: What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?

The Singing Stone was easily the most inexpensive book on my shelf…because it was a random, free book being given away at my work! I think Prioriy is likely my most expensive because it’s so huge.

WRATH: What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

I don’t really hate Zhao but I’ll probably never get over the disappointment I felt when finishing Iron Widow. I really liked Zachary Yang, though, so it’s more of a love/hate relationship with their writing.

GLUTTONY: What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?

There are quite a few books I would have put here! I’ve chosen Assassin’s Apprentice because I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did, and though I haven’t re-read it yet, I could see myself revisiting the trilogy over and over again!

SLOTH: What book have you neglected reading due to laziness

I have such a strong feeling that I will love this book, since I loved Jade City and The Poppy War, but I just haven’t gotten around to it…

PRIDE: What book do you talk about in order to sound like an intelligent reader?

Firstly, I think it’s dumb to read book just so you can seem like you’re smarter than others or because everyone keeps telling you to consume this classic or that literary novel instead of something “frivolous” like fantasy. Read what you want! The point of books is to escape, to learn something new, and to become a more thoughtful person; no genre does everything! But for the sake of this tag, I’ll throw in one of my very favourite classics that could be and has been discussed for years!

LUST: What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?

My answer has changed across the years. Right now, I’m very interested in frisky kind of characters who let their tempers get the better of them and/or who are strongly going for their goals, even via dubious means. Some protagonist examples:

ENVY: What book would you like to receive as a gift?

Honestly, if anyone gave me books about and by Palestine/Palestinians, I would be entirely grateful. I want to have a whole library.

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